Welcome to the new home of the Simple Plastic Airplane Design, or S.P.A.D. Here you will
find the plans for many popular Spad designs going back to the "Original" designs. Please note that
SpadToTheBone.org is redesigned. Look for the old site design at www.spadtothebone.net as we recovered the content after we
lost the www.spadtothebone.com domain name.
We recommended that you visit Spad's main home at www.spadworld.net to stay current on the world of Spads. All plans and articles are provided for
informational and entertainment purposes only. Build and fly Spads at your own risk!! Please read disclaimer!
Our sister site, Spadworld, is the place to be for lively discussion. It's also a
huge resource of information. It's the center of Spad activity on the internet. Get over there!
Curious to see how a Spad flies? Take
a look at our selection of video clips, many taken at the
legendary Spadfest 2004.
For over 2 years, the Spad topic at rccombat.com was the main Spad hangout, and it was literally on fire with activity. Over 60,000 posts jammed packed with great info. Thanks to Spadworld.net, you can now view these posts in archive form HERE. Research!
NEW! From April 2003-July 2004, the subject of S.P.A.D. was in print in a major
magazine. With the editor's permission, you can now view all content online free!